Source code for slacklog.models

SlackLog models

SlackLog models represent the ChangeLog.txt after parsing.
from datetime import datetime, tzinfo

    str = unicode
except NameError:
    pass  # Forward compatibility with Py3k (unicode is not defined)

[docs]class SlackLog (object): """ Little more than a list of :py:class:`slacklog.models.SlackLogEntry` objects. """ def __init__(self): self.entries = [] """The list of :py:class:`slacklog.models.SlackLogEntry` objects. Empty by default.""" self.startsWithSeparator = False """Whether the log started with entry separator. If this is :py:const:`True`, it implies that the empty element preceding that separator was dropped. This defaults to :py:const:`False`. """ self.endsWithSeparator = False """Whether the log ended with entry separator. If this is :py:const:`True`, it implies that the empty element following that separator was dropped. This defaults to :py:const:`False`. """
[docs]class SlackLogEntry (object): """ An entry in a :py:class:`slacklog.models.SlackLog`. """ def __init__(self, timestamp, description, log, checksum=None, identifier=None, parent=None, timezone=None): assert(isinstance(timestamp, datetime)) assert(isinstance(description, str)) assert(timestamp.tzinfo.utcoffset(timestamp).total_seconds() == 0) assert(isinstance(log, SlackLog)) if checksum is not None: assert(isinstance(checksum, str)) if identifier is not None: assert(isinstance(identifier, str)) if parent is not None: assert(isinstance(parent, str)) if timezone is not None: assert(isinstance(timezone, tzinfo)) self.timestamp = timestamp """A :py:class:`datetime.datetime` timestamp in UTC.""" self.description = description """A unicode description which may be empty.""" self.log = log """Reference to the :py:class:`slacklog.models.SlackLog` that contains this entry.""" self.checksum = checksum """A unicode checksum or :py:const:`None`. This should identify the entry by content. Two different logs may have the same entry, but those entries have different parent. """ self.identifier = identifier """A unicode identifier or :py:const:`None`. This should identify the entry by content and parent. """ self.parent = parent """A unicode parent identifier or :py:const:`None`.""" self.timezone = timezone """The original timezone of the entry as :py:class:`datetime.tzinfo` or :py:const:`None`.""" self.pkgs = [] """The list of :py:class:`slacklog.models.SlackLogPkg` objects. Empty by default."""
[docs]class SlackLogPkg (object): """ An entry in a SlackLogEntry. """ def __init__(self, pkg, description, entry): assert(isinstance(pkg, str)) assert(isinstance(description, str)) assert(isinstance(entry, SlackLogEntry)) self.pkg = pkg """A unicode package identifier.""" self.description = description """A unicode description.""" self.entry = entry """Reference to the :py:class:`slacklog.models.SlackLogEntry` that contains this package."""